Where to Begin?

♦♦  Nepo  ♦♦

Nepo has lost his wife and is fighting to keep what is left of his family safe.  He is seen as a leader and works with Douglas to provide for his kinship.  He likes to be in control of situations and needs to have a plan.

♦♦  Douglas  ♦♦

Douglas is silent, but tough.  He cares about people and is able to fight for them.  He is just as much of a leader as Nepo, and can keep everyone together.  Douglas lost his brother, but found Nepo when he was in need.  They fought together and developed a relationship as close as brothers.

♦♦  Devcon  ♦♦

Devcon is 12 years old.  He lost his parents and sister amidst the fighting.  He is running for his life….and for his sanity.  His father trained him with the bow and arrow.   Devcon is an excellent marksman who quickly gets over the difficulty of having to kill to stay alive.

A Crowd of Cowards

We are set in place.  The attack will begin shortly.  The wind has a chill.  The orders have been made, and we will kill them all.  The only thing he hands us are small metal spikes.  What are we supposed to do with these?  Our enemies have real weapons.  No matter though, there are more of us.  We will kill them all, take everything and burn it down.

Our leader makes us wear these cloths over our faces.  We joke that it is because we are handsome men, and he does not like that.  He has his two men that are not forced to wear them.  These are the men that he keeps close to him.  They are tall, massive men and who dare challenge them?

A small stone bounces into the middle of all of us.  One of the men yells angrily, “Who threw that?”

I yell to find them, but it is too late.  Five shadows descend upon us.  No, not shadows, these are demons from hell!  They have dead eyes and jagged teeth.  They move so fast.  They start ripping into the men.  A head is pulled from the neck of one man and the demon has impaled another before the skull has hit the ground.  Now we know true fear, we are screaming.  We went from confident men to screaming fools.  We try to spread out, but the five devils are faster and corner us at every turn.  One of our men almost got away, until an arrow hit him squarely in the neck.

My legs are tired from trying to run from these five killers.  They keep killing, and killing again, I am starting to trip over the bodies.  Soon I too will be dead.  Then all of a sudden the screaming stops and I am all alone.  My limbs are shaking from fear and exhaustion, and I know that I am going to die next.  I stay on the ground and have dropped my spike several kills ago.  One of the hooded creatures whispers “Open your eyes you coward.”.  I open them and the sight makes my body go numb.  All five monsters are looking down on me, the faces that nightmares are made of.  Somehow it’s more frightening now that they are looking at me and have ceased the slaughter.  Another leans toward me and growls “Go tell your king we are coming for him.  Leave or you all die….painfully.”  I do not remember getting up, just running through the woods as fast as I could.  My leader will not listen, but I will have to tell him of the horrors I have seen.